sdv.01 - Stripped-Down Villa : Micro-Estate - S*D*V . 01

Jason Vigneri-Beane <>

Project Statement

Stripped-Down Villas : Micro-Estates (S*D*V) are part of an on-going project thatcompact selected aspects of luxuriant living conditions down to a formulation of MICRO-ESTATES.

SDV.01 --- SDV.01 distills a relationship among the living space, the grounds of the (micro) estate, the wings of the villa, the courtyard and the surface treatment until they are integrated into a single adapted envelop that, while foundationless, sponsors an interior volume and the definition of an in-board site. Rather than resolving these relationships synthetically and arriving at the normalization, the object aspires to the ways in which animal morphology develops in extreme conditions where, simply put, certain features become exaggerated and others begin to disappear, become obsolete, transform, and become rudimented.